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Resolved! Rich Text

Can we add dynamic url to Rich text dashboard.Dashboard.insight1: Richtext has iframe to display page.insight2: listing table with item_id (url) when i click on url its opening new tab, can i make iframe dynamic to point to item_id of  insight2.    

Naruto by Cosmonaut
  • 5 replies
  • 1 kudos

Currency Symbol Display

We have created a formula and presentation variable that allows the user to make a selection on what dollar amount they want to see and in what currency. What we would like to be able to do is show the USD with a dollar $ sign. The ledger and local w...

EGamage by Rocketeer
  • 3 replies
  • 0 kudos

Resolved! Cumulative Quarter

*This question was asked by a customer*  Hi Team, I have data like Sum of Sales for Q1  for 2016 = 309 Sum of Sales for Q2  for 2016 = 309 Sum of Sales for Q3  for 2016 = 309 Sum of Sales for Q4  for 2016 = 309 as shown in Pic 1. I want the result sh...