10-20-2023 09:52 AM - last edited on 10-20-2023 10:22 AM by JoeM
I am trying to get regex to work in a materialized view but keep running into "undefined function" errors
Is there something wrong with my format?
10-20-2023 10:25 AM
@mkrieger - This will depend on whether you are using SparkSQL or Postgres. Here are samples of how you might regex match in each example:
SELECT CategoryName, (CategoryName ~ 'c') AS regex_column
FROM OnlineStore.ProductCategory
Spark SQL
`OnlineStore.productcategory`.`CategoryName` AS `CategoryName`, regexp(`OnlineStore.productcategory`.`CategoryName`, 'c') AS regex_column
`OnlineStore.productcategory` `OnlineStore.productcategory`
10-20-2023 01:52 PM
Thanks for the quick response!
I've confirmed that I am using SparkSQL, although I am still running into the following error message:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'regexp'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'
Generated from this query:
10-23-2023 07:02 AM
@mkrieger - I am surprised you are running into that. It might be worth also trying either regex_like or rlike.