User Activity

Hi,When I tried to download all tabs in a dashboard in PDF, I observed that the Tab content is not showing in separate page.  two tabs content appears in same PDF page. Abd there is no Format or Tag line to identify which text is the tab name and whi...
Hi,I was trying to see SQL query for chart insights, but this option is not there. Is there an way to see how Incorta structures SQL query for the columns was used to display the data in the charts. I can see SQL query for Listing and Aggregated tabl...
Hi,It is good to have a zero suppression on Aggregate table , Pivot and Chart type visuals in the dashboard for measures. Instead of hardcoded filters inside the filters, If there is an option on individual insights on the dashboard view will create ...
For an Operational reporting Page breaking is a very much essential feature on visual/insight to support export / printing use case for almost all industries.use case:  Export / print each country(example) data in separate page when the user export t...
Icon Names are not visible when I hover on the format icons in the Listing Table properties/setting options. Having name when we hover on icon makes product more user friendly and improves user experience.