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Incorta is a seamless, end-to-end analytical warehouse solution engineered for simple, powerful, real-time analysis of massive volumes of data. High-impact graphical representations transform raw data from arcane and inaccessible to clear and meaningful, delivering unprecedented insight into patterns, trends, key performance indicators and their causality. Unification of data sources into a single, secure source of truth ensures that all users at all levels of the organization analyze, strategize, and collaborate around the latest and most relevant information.

The Incorta platform removes the dependency on star schemas, pre-aggregation, complex ETL processes, and a large data team. With Incorta’s cloud technologies and mobile-first design, even a mobile user can merge external data sets like weather data with large-volume business data, and then make informed time-sensitive informed decisions based on the results. Real-time strategy comes from real-time insight.

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Last update:
‎05-18-2022 02:21 PM
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