07-29-2022 01:14 AM
Hello all, I need to create a data source, the Schema, the Business Schema and the dashboard.
This data source is a excel file that I will upload in Sharepoint and it will be upgrade appending data daily.
My goal is create a dashboard that I can see daily/weekly and have data updated automatically.
is it possible?
many thanks
07-29-2022 06:51 AM
Do you have to use Sharepoint?
It's been a while ( > a year probably ) but I seem to recall Sharepoint as a source being limited. I've done something similar using Google Drive though, so I know it can be done.
I see Google Sheets listed as a data source as well if you wanted to skip Excel altogether.
08-10-2022 10:47 AM
Hi Dan, Is this Sharepoint Online or on premise?
08-12-2022 06:09 AM
This is the data source setup I shared earlier - https://community.incorta.com/t5/data-schema-discussions/how-does-one-set-up-a-sharepoint-connection...
08-18-2022 07:12 AM
Hey there, Dan. Would you have to use Sharepoint or could you use a folder path? If so, we could connect with a data file via folder and set a scheduler in Incorta to pick it up. If not, with Sharepoint, you can load the list into Sharepoint as Incorta can grab lists from SP. We can then load the data into Incorta, and then set up a scheduler to run the updates.