01-09-2023 10:29 AM
Happy Monday! This is kind of nutty...
I'm putting together an insight and I'm getting this:
Here's a second insight on the same dashboard:
Note here that "Transaction Date" is anonymous enough so I don't mind sharing the screen cap, but it's happening to all measures and all the fields in the filter box as well.
So, odd, right?
Here's next level odd: In the first insight I replaced the measure by dragging the same field from the data pane and IA recognized the data type while in the editor, but when I saved and then edited again... same question mark.
So no big, right, just a cosmetic thing? Nope, when I try to sort on this column I get this:
but of course this is *not* a formula column and it sorts just fine in the second insight.
Neither duplicating nor copy/pasting the offending insight clears up the issue.
Any ideas?
01-09-2023 12:33 PM
Adding another screen shot - no trickiness here, this comes from Date_US:
01-10-2023 02:27 PM
@RADSr - I checked with an internal expert and we both agree that this is unexpected/unintended behavior. I'm going to escalate this to support team.