11-20-2023 09:04 AM
This came up in a conversation with one of my analysts.
Which of these will perform better in a filter?
1) Two filters: date1 >= $lastMonthStart and date1 < $currentMonthStart
2) One filter formula with and(date1 >= $lastMonthStart, date1 < $currentMonthStart)
11-21-2023 04:48 AM - edited 11-21-2023 06:49 AM
Option 1 will perform better than second one. The reason is formula expression becomes additional load to the Incorta instead of using direct column as filter. But you can't see much difference if you compare/use both unless you have large datasets.
Otherwise you can use both.
11-22-2023 07:55 AM
Agree with Shashi. One thing to note is if the insight have multiple metrics which needs different filters then we would need formula filters .