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Incorta allows you to create Materialized Views using Python and Spark SQL to read the data from the Parquet files of existing Incorta Tables, transform it and persist the data so that it can be used in Dashboards.
We can leverage the power of scripting via Python and Spark SQL to handle many usecases , for eg -
Best Practices:
Select * FROM incorta_metadata.DASHBOARD WHERE CREATIONDATE > ?
Here is a simple example.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F s=read("SALES.SALES") s.registerTempTable("sales") P= read("SALES.PRODUCTS") P.registerTempTable("products") //here we are going to read the MV itself. mv = read("SALES_MV.SALES_PRODUCTS") mv.registerTempTable("mv") selectedSales = spark.sql("SELECT p.name, s.* from products p inner join sales s on p.id= s.product_id WHERE s.last_updated > (SELECT MAX(mv.last_updated) FROM mv)") save(selectedSales)
#Filtering je_lines by creation date from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, when, col, coalesce from datetime import datetime, timedelta df_GL_JE_LINES = read("EBS_GL.GL_JE_LINES") d = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=30) df_GL_JE_LINES = df_GL_JE_LINES.filter(df_GL_JE_LINES.EFFECTIVE_DATE > lit(d)
Here is a sample script:
1) Shows how to create a MV using dataframes and joining them via SQL , base tables are in a Incorta schema called TEST and should have been loaded
------------ from pyspark.sql import functions as F df_customers = read("TEST.customers") df_customers.createOrReplaceTempView("customers_table") df_submitters = read("TEST.submitters") df_submitters.createOrReplaceTempView("submitters_table") df = spark.sql(""" SELECT DISTINCT a.submitter_id, a.submitter_name, a.submitter_type, coalesce(upper(b.revenuegroupname), upper(a.customer_name)) AS submitter_finance_name, coalesce(b.revenuegroupnumber, a.customer_agn) AS submitter_financials_customer_id, a.vendor_id, a.vendor_name FROM submitters_table a LEFT OUTER JOIN customers_table b ON a.customer_agn=b.customerid WHERE lower(a.source_name)='test' """) save(df)
2.1) Example of a Incremental MV using get_last_refresh_time()
The get_last_refresh_time() is a built-in function provided in the pyspark template to support incremental MV. Here is an example:
from pyspark import * import pyspark.sql.functions as F last_refresh_time=get_last_refresh_time() dashboard = read("incorta_metadata2.DASHBOARD") dashboard.createOrReplaceTempView("dashboard") df = spark.sql( """ SELECT * FROM dashboard WHERE CREATIONDATE > from_unixtime(%d / 1000) """ % last_refresh_time) save(df)
The last refresh time is the timestamp when the MV job was executed last time. It is stored in the epoch time format and thus you can pass it to your Spark SQL as described above.
The assumption is that the data populated in the parquet layer has a date column that can be used to indicate how fresh the data is. Typically, it is the last updated date column. In the example, since we are only interested in the newly created records, we use the CREATIONDATE as the filter and compare it with last refresh time. The CREATIONDATE has to be a column with the Timestamp data type defined in Incorta.
2.2) Example of a Incremental MV using timedelta() , logic bolded below
#incremental MV example import pyspark.sql.functions as F from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, when, col, coalesce df_TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE = read("transactions.TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE") df_ITEMS = read("items.ITEMS") #Filtering by 7 days d = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=7) df_TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE = df_TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE.filter(df_TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE.DATE_MODIFIED > lit(d)) df_TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE.createOrReplaceTempView("TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE") df_ITEMS.createOrReplaceTempView("ITEMS") df1 = spark.sql(""" SELECT ts.ACCOUNT_ID, ts.AMOUNT, ts.AMOUNT_TAXED, ts.COMPLETE_0, CAST(ts.DATE_ARRIVE AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL '8' HOUR AS DATE_ARRIVE, COALESCE(ts.BRAND_ID, it.BRAND_ID) AS CALCULATED_BRAND_ID FROM TRANSACTION_LINES_SOURCE AS ts LEFT OUTER JOIN ITEMS it ON ts.ITEM_ID = it.ITEM_ID WHERE 1=1 """) save(df1)
3) Example of a MV which can explode a comma separated list of values in a column:
#Explode userString sample from pyspark.sql import functions as F df = read("Test.UserData") df.createOrReplaceTempView("UserData") df1 = spark.sql("""SELECT c1, userString FROM UserData WHERE 1=1""") df2 = df1.withColumn("User",F.explode(F.split(df1.userString, ","))) save(df2)
Spark configuration for a MV are listed below are based on the machine specs and impact the performance significantly. The configuration tab of a sample MV can looks like this, so start with the five mandatory properties mentioned below :
1. Spark.driver.memory: Amount of memory to use for the driver process, i.e. where SparkContext is initialized, in GB unless otherwise specified (e.g. 1g, 2g). This is the memory allocated for your spark logical plan and any spark actions that transfer the data to the driver, the default is 1g.
2. Spark.executor.memory: Amount of memory to use per executor process, in GB unless otherwise specified. (e.g. 2g, 8g). This is the memory allocated for executing you logic, which the data will be loaded and transformed, default is 1g.
3. Spark.cores.max: The maximum amount of CPU cores to request for the application from across the cluster. For example, on previous image we set the cores.max to 44, that means the MV will only use 44 cores from the cluster.
4. Spark.executor.cores: The number of cores to use on each executor.
5. Spark.sql.shuffle.partitions: Configures the number of partitions to use when shuffling data for joins or aggregations, default is 200. Initially set the shuffle partition equals to cores.max or its multiple and as the data increases you can increase it by (cores.max * 2, cores.max *3, cores.max *4, …) and so on.
Full Spark Configuration Documentation
Note: Always use the documentation version of your running spark version.
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