11-08-2022 08:43 AM
I've got an issue w/ out Oracle EBS blueprint missing some joins ( first up GL_LEDGERS to JE_GL_PERIODS ) and I'd like to confirm the join criteria.
Is there any documentation available where I can look this up?
11-08-2022 12:29 PM
Hi Randy - There is no direct join between GL_LEDGERS to JE_GL_PERIODS (alias of GL_PERIODS), they are associated via the GL_JOURNAL_LINES so add a metric from that table.
11-08-2022 01:27 PM
Thanks Amit,
Just pulling the "Period" table from the business schema but adding in "Net Sales" from "Income Statement" returns a result.
I have a similar issue with "Account" which throws errors -- again rectified when I add net sales.
Our goal is to expose this data to IBM's TM1 via the external BI Tools configuration, but it looks like we'll need to author "feeder" queries in the Analyzer interface and then copy the external SQL. Is that the best/recommended approach?
Thank you!