Status: New

I've been doing a lot of XML editing to quickly copy things like conditional formatting in dashboards.    I find it helpful to use XML comments to mark my place and note beginning and ends of logical areas of work.

All is well, the re-zipped files upload fine and the updated dashboards work as expected.

However, when I export again later, my comments are gone.  ( 4.9.7 - so this may be different in more recent versions? )

I'd like for them to not be.


** I've only tested this w/ exported dashboard XML, the benefit of persisting comments would apply to schema and business schema as well.


Hi Randy, we understand the functional need and we will work to provide UI based alternatives in a future release to support this. The xml parser we use has strict built-in guardrails, so xml comments is not something we recommend. 

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Employee Alumni

Hi Randy -- curious about this. What other use cases have you found for editing the XML? Do you do this by hand, or using a program? 


Cameron - renaming tables and schemas mostly and - related - copying a schema to do development work on it  ( e.g. I have a schema in a DEV environment and I want to test join strategies comparing test v. original  - I'll create an empty schema, export the schema I want to test, and then rename and modify the schema ID in the XML before importing )  


The other place I've found it helpful is where I have a column reference in many formula columns.   Even *navigating* formula columns in the GUI is kind of painful so it's much, much easier to edit formula columns with a search and replace in a text editor ( Notepad++ in my case ) than to go through the GUI.   


I also have tables with a ton of formula columns, and  there's no way to add a new one in a specific order or reorder existing formula columns.  


The formula columns are actually where I was adding comments into the XML ( e.g. on this date I changed this column reference for this reason ) and  found the columns had gone missing when I started the process for the next batch of changes.  


We ( PMsquare ) have talked about developing a quick GUI for the XML export files but haven't gotten there quite yet.