since ‎03-24-2022

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  • 39 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 28 Kudos given
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Hi - we would like to request pivot table have the ability to group by in the rows to present an aggregated /collapsable view. This will benefit anyone trying to create a financial statement look and feel in Incorta. I demoed for Mazen, Mohit, and Jo...
Hi - we use the fusion v2 connector. We dont have access to view logs in UCM in our UAT and PROD fusion environments  but understand that they are part of package/zip that we are picking up with the data. Could we request that we find a way to view t...
Hi - when resetting local passwords it is near impossible to know what this issue is because there is no view button. Please note there is no user name on the screen, but still it is one of two passwords (and one I copied in and the second set match ...
Hi all! Dashboard comments - such a great idea for two reasons. One, it can be used to give us feedback and second, it could be used to comment on snap-shotted data (always struggle with the tense of snapshot). Couple of questions though - 1. We did ...
Hi all - we would like to request an Incorta API - which will set a new password for given local account. For example,  change_password_api(username='svc_incorta_dx', password='S0me_rand0m_pa22word' ) FYI @sdeepala