09-09-2022 07:10 AM
There is nothing I look forward to more than starting my morning with a warm cup of coffee. I started collecting mugs when I started traveling a few years ago, typically stopping off in an airport Starbucks to get one of the famous "Been there" series mugs. Last month, my friend sent me the best gift I think I have gotten to date because it was one of the first times I had seen my soon-to be married name written out. Now, I drink my daily vanilla latte with oat milk out of my favorite mug.
What's your favorite mug? How did you get it?
09-09-2022 07:20 AM
It is awesome to hear that someone else out there has a coffee mug collecting obsession! I too collect Starbucks mugs from all over the world and have (umm..did have) a collection of about 30. Unfortunately, I dropped a box of them a few years ago and as a result a dozen or so were broken.
09-09-2022 07:23 AM
no! Im so sorry to hear that! What was your favorite country/state mug?
09-09-2022 07:29 AM
TBH, I have no favorites. They are stacked away in high cupboards now, but the Chicago one is really nice, and I have one that my better half gave me that had a chalkboard background on it, and came with a white marker, so she was able to write a whole lot of fun stuff on it and gave it to me for Christmas one year.
09-09-2022 07:23 AM
Starbucks does an excellent job with its mugs. We have one, and to me, it's the adult equivalent of "looking at the back of the cereal box." Every time, I think I see something new.