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Fun Friday: Favorite Mug

Employee Alumni
Employee Alumni

There is nothing I look forward to more than starting my morning with a warm cup of coffee. I started collecting mugs when I started traveling a few years ago, typically stopping off in an airport Starbucks to get one of the famous "Been there" series mugs. Last month, my friend sent me the best gift I think I have gotten to date because it was one of the first times I had seen my soon-to be married name written out. Now, I drink my daily vanilla latte with oat milk out of my favorite mug.


What's your favorite mug? How did you get it?



It is awesome to hear that someone else out there has a coffee mug collecting obsession!  I too collect Starbucks mugs from all over the world and have (umm..did have) a collection of about 30.  Unfortunately, I dropped a box of them a few years ago and as a result a dozen or so were broken.  

no! Im so sorry to hear that! What was your favorite country/state mug?

TBH, I have no favorites.  They are stacked away in high cupboards now, but the Chicago one is really nice, and I have one that my better half gave me that had a chalkboard background on it, and came with a white marker, so she was able to write a whole lot of fun stuff on it and gave it to me for Christmas one year.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Starbucks does an excellent job with its mugs. We have one, and to me, it's the adult equivalent of "looking at the back of the cereal box." Every time, I think I see something new.