on 08-08-2022 06:48 AM
Incorta Materialized Views are created based on the parquet data from Incorta data storage. We can access the data loaded into Incorta using Spark SQL.
Incorta Notebook provides an interactive environment and can be used to perform ad hoc analysis.
Getting Started with Incorta Notebook
Go to MV -> Make sure Spark SQL is selected -> Click on Notebook
Incorta's notebook includes multiple paragraphs.
When you are creating SparkSQL-based MV from Incorta Notebook, we assume that one of the paragraphs will be used.
There are several features in the Incorta Notebook including shortcuts, markdown cells for documentation, and much more.
When you type the schema name partially in the FROM clause, Incorta prompts the schema names for you to select.
DESC describes the table statement in Incorta Spark SQL. The metadata information includes column name, column type, and column comment.
DESC Schema_Name.Table_Name
Here is an example:
You can visualize your data using built-in data visualization within Incorta Notebook by changing the icon to change the different charts.