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Status: Backlogged

Currently, a user needs to belong to a Group with at least the Privileged User Role, and needs Share access to the dashboard, in order to be able to schedule the delivery of that dashboard via email. This opens up a scenario where a Finance user could accidentally or maliciously share access to a dashboard with a Marketing Group, potentially exposing sensitive data.

My gut feeling would be to have a setting within each dashboard that enables scheduling for a set of Groups. Adding a new Schedule access right to the existing View, Share, Edit access options on a dashboard could also be another approach. This should remove the need to have Share access to the dashboard so the Finance and Marketing scenario above is not possible.


I put in this request at time of implementation (2020), a year ago (ticket 18957) and similar request as new functionality was added to a role today (29473).  My thought is that the permissions need to be decoupled from roles and we get to define what permissions are used where - scheduling is separate, Insight copy (rather than full dashboard copy) is separate, etc. Thank you for raising this in this forum. @PatrickRafferty here it is again!


@PatrickRafferty/@bryanmedeiros @dylanwan 

In our case, I think we may need privileged user as is however in addition, we do need one role with ability to socialize dashboard via e-mail (immediate, time-based and rule-based) plus send to data destination feature.



I am clarifying requirements based on my understanding.

The permission of sharing will allow a privileged user to share the dashboards with another user who can then perform the basic analysis by themselves by seeing all data.

Emailing a dashboard to another user with CSV or Excel is a slice of data and is a snapshot of the current data.  

The scenario Divy and I discussed is to allow some users to send, but not allow them to share.


Another client would like to control the use of Send Now or Scheduled Delivery feature via Email.  The reason is that Incorta allows to send to any email address which may not be an Incorta user. 

A user may be given the permission to share a dashboard to another user but the system may block the email delivery features from the user.

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