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Status: Accepted

1) During a schema load I cannot view the load order of the tables and/or views.   It would be helpful to be able to determine if/which "in queue" items are in a successor group ( or which successor group ) or just waiting for an available process. 

2) I'd like to be able to easily see the load history for an individual table.   The ability to search for an individual table is already there, it'd be great to click through to the history of that table

3) Should be able to sort the "jobs" list by duration

4) Jobs detail list should include data source so we can see if slowdowns are due to a specific source

4a) Columns for jobs detail list should be customizable 

5) Start time reflects start of the job, not the job detail step.   So if a table was in queue for 20 minutes the start time doesn't give a good indication of when the actual extract began.  In addition to job start time, there should be an column for job step start time

6) Add "last load" column options - e.g. last no rows extracted, last load duration, last load status


1 Comment
Status changed to: Accepted

Thanks Randy,

These are good requirements. We are currently working on supporting multiple schemas within a single load plan. Once this feature is done, we will be enhancing the job details page. We will review and do our best to support these requirements as we enhance the job details page. Thanks!