11-10-2022 12:57 PM
I'm trying to build a formula column. Using the lookup() function, but I don't suspect that's meaningful to this question.
- The schema has 45 tables in it. Only 9 of them show up in the expression editor's dialog box ( left side )
- Of the 45 tables, 31 tables are SQL Database tables and come from the same source
- I do have two groups defined for load order w/ 3 tables in group 1 -- one of those tables shows up in the expression editor and the other two do not.
- Of course the ubiquitous law of Murphy's demands the table from which I want to lookup() is *not* in the list
- typing the table.column names nets me an error saying that I may be referencing a column which may have been deleted.
-- suffix to above: The expression *does* validate correctly and w/out issue.
I welcome ideas and fully acknowledge I may just be missing the "show me what I want" checkbox in the UI. ( but I don't think so! 😉 )
11-18-2022 12:11 PM
Adding: I have the standard DATE_US schema and two other tables I've added ( date dims w/ additional attributes ). But when I try to add a lookup() function to DATE_US I only see the DATE_US table.
I'm sure there *is* a rhyme and a reason for Incorta's expression editor deciding which tables show up, but I'm flummoxed as to what it may be.
I wonder if we can start by determining if the lookup() function is supported when creating formula columns in the physical schema layer?