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Edit ( search and replace ) w/in a notebook

I have an MV where the SQL is written poorly -- by which I mean that the commas are on the right-hand side of the selected columns rather than justified left.   Do not try to dissuade me from this opinion for it is intractable and correct      In any...

RADSr by Captain
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Which formatting options export to Excel ?

I have a customer preparing Insights for distribution to a group of managers via Excel.The insights she is doing are complex and impressive.   The insight I'm using to illustrate the issue is.... not   Here's a simple aggregate table w/ two formattin...

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RADSr by Captain
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Resolved! Incorta Metadata DB and credentials

I have a cluster which was cloned from another.    I now need to update from <clustername>dev to <clustername> for the _incortametadata connection.   However, deleting 'dev' leaves me with an unknown username and using my creds gives me a connection ...

RADSr by Captain
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