OTBI Lineage
Use the Incorta OTBI Lineage dashboard to determine the mapping between Oracle tables and VOs.
Use the Incorta OTBI Lineage dashboard to determine the mapping between Oracle tables and VOs.
We bet there is one thing in here you didn't know about working with notebooks in Incorta.
Symptoms After an upgrade, there is a possibility that incortaMetaData schema would fail with the following error: com.incorta.api.exceptions.DataException: INC_03070000: Failed retrieving sample data from [_IncortaMetadata] with properties [[increm...
Introduction The incorta_sql_pg() function lets you directly query business schema data in a PySpark MV without going through the old and cumbersome way. What you need to know before reading this article Previously, you could use spark.sql() to quer...
Learn how Incorta Data Profiler can help you understand the quality of your data before you bring it into Incorta.
Introduction When creating visualizations based on multiple source systems, tables must be aligned to achieve a wholistic view of a business. For example, organizations that migrate from one ERP to another align invoice tables from each ERP to see al...
Struggling to wrangle data from multiple sources? Learn about how and when to combine similar data points from disparate sources with three different approaches using the Incorta Platform.
This article covers key insights and considerations to consider before creating your first schema!
Before designing your physical schemas it is highly recommended to take the time to develop naming conventions. Learn about all the best practices here!
Similar to physical schemas, before designing your business schemas it is highly recommended to take the time to develop naming conventions if they are not already in place within your organization.
Read this article to review variable types in Incorta, when you use them, and best practices around using variables.
Compare the discounts given in different area, business units and at the different levels of details.
Prerequisites: CMC instance is up and runningNode agent instance(s) are up and runningZookeeper is up and running (either shipped with incorta or a clustered zookeeper)An empty schema is created (either oracle metadata or MySQL metadata)A common/shar...
A snapshot table holds the same transactional data as its source system, with additional fields for tracking the snapshot date.
This python script takes an unzipped tenant export file or an unzipped schema export file and produces a csv file which has all the table column details like datatype, etc... in a schema. This csv file can then be imported into Incorta and a dashboar...