06-09-2022 06:54 AM
Time for Throwback Thursday!
Recently, I was reading an article about how accurate Netflix's algorithm is. Not only does it track what you're watching but it recommends shows and movies you would be interested in based on the amount of time you spent watching something, how many times you go back to watch it etc. With that in mind, I wanted this Throwback Thursday to be all about binge-watchable shows.
What is your favorite bingeworthy tv-series and why?
06-09-2022 08:53 AM
For me, the most recent binge-worthy show is Ozark.
I don't normally binge shows, but the character development, acting, and cunning nature of Marty had me watching that Netflix timer initiate the next episode every time.
Honorable mentions include: Silicon Valley, Breaking Bad, 30 Rock